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Replace An Entire Video Course With A Flowchart and An AI

The HighLevel 5 Day AI Challenge is a video course. It is supposed to get HighLevel agency users quickly up to speed on selling the Conversation AI feature inside HighLevel’s all-in-one marketing platform. In principle, it’s great. In practice, it suffers from the same problem ALL video courses suffer from … it’s hard to learn from!

It’s easy to watch. Ironically, it would be easier to watch if it was just one long video instead of dozens of short videos. But we don’t want ease of consumption. We’re agency owners, so of course we want implementation. How do we get this thing running so we can get some happy customers? Short videos are terrible. It’s difficult to re-watch a part multiple times and it’s impossible to search.

So I went through every video and pulled all the information out into a flowchart that’s been used by hundreds of HighLevel agency owners to quickly understand Conversation AI 👇 (but read to the end for a surprise).

Here is the Mermaid editor link

Here is the SVG link

Here is the link to the HighAI custom GPT

Mermaid is an awesome standard and platform that turns text into diagrams. You can quickly try it out in the live editor or you can make an account and log into the full editor. The founders are cool people and quick to respond to issues or ideas. The combination of a text file and a visual diagram makes the process searchable through the keyboard and visually.

The diagram can be accessed as a single svg file (if you’re into that sort of thing).

The entire Mermaid file is licensed CC0 1.0 Universal. So you can do anything you want with it including reselling it. Although I’d love to hear if you do something with it.

Hokay, so. Another benefit of defining the process in structured text is that an LLM (Large Language Model) can use it as training material without any extra steps. I uploaded the Mermaid file to an OpenAI Custom GPT and that was pretty much it.

I only did two extra things: I tossed together a basic overview of the HighLevel platform and its functions to give the AI broader context. I also gave it a little prompting to constrain its behavior. With that, you have an AI assistant that knows everything in the 5 Day AI course. It can guide you through all the steps and help with basic troubleshooting.